Why is AIR MILES the best loyalty program?

With over 10 million AIR MILES Collector Accounts, the AIR MILES Reward Program remains one of the world’s most successful Loyalty Programs. Unlike other frequent shopper programs, AIR MILES® reward miles can be collected from all types of companies across Canada. With over 200 Sponsors, in-store and online, collecting reward miles is easy and incredibly rewarding. You can turn your everyday purchases into rewards like dream vacations, home theatres to entertain the whole family or a relaxing night at the movies. With a wide range of rewards, there’s something for everyone.

Collectors can shop and earn at over 200 Sponsors across Canada.
Plus at over 100 online stores on airmilesshops.ca.

Using an AIR MILES Credit Card is one of the fastest ways to earn AIR MILES reward miles, which means you’ll get to your rewards even sooner. Not only will you earn on all your purchases wherever the Credit Card is accepted, you can earn more AIR MILES reward miles when you use both your AIR MILES Credit Card and your Collector Card at Sponsors. When it comes to the earning potential of an AIR MILES Credit Card, the sky’s the limit.

Loyalty Programs are everywhere. Your wallets are full of Loyalty Program Cards and Credit Cards. Keep it simple by consolidating all your spend into one Loyalty Program to maximize and get the most out of your earnings. It’s the best way to earn more and faster towards the rewards you really want. With hundreds of places to earn and over 1,200 rewards to choose from, an AIR MILES Collector Card and Credit Card are all you need.